
Creative Teaching

During the Covid-era, more than ever, the need for the transformation of the educational system towards a more digitized direction surfaced and no educational institution formed an exception. However the lack of the tools and the know-how, were restrictive.
The CT : VR project aims to address the lack of digital technology and digital tools usage through-out adult educational institutions, by empowering educators, teachers and trainers with the 

knowledge of implementing these tools in the educational process. Through innovative, interactive and inclusive learning, the teaching obstacles that emerged through the pandemic can be surpassed and the educational process revolutionized.
It is therefore crucial to invest in adult educators’ digital skills development, which along with the implementation of VR classrooms in the Curriculum, will transform adult education into an interactive and innovative process.

During the Covid-era, more than ever, the need for the transformation of the educational system towards a more digitized direction surfaced and no educational institution formed an exception. However the lack of the tools and the know-how, were restrictive.

The CT : VR project aims to address the lack of digital technology and digital tools usage through-out adult educational institutions, by empowering educators, teachers and trainers with the knowledge of implementing these tools in the educational process. Through innovative, interactive and inclusive learning, the teaching obstacles that emerged through the pandemic can be surpassed and the educational process revolutionized.

It is therefore crucial to invest in adult educators’ digital skills development, which along with the implementation of VR classrooms in the Curriculum, will transform adult education into an interactive and innovative process.

It is easily understood that adult education institutions have a drastic impact on the future of adults. Eventhough technology has altered our societies on every level, education has yet to fully embrace its tools. The covid crisis came to expose these weaknesses, creating the urgent need of digital tools implementation throughout the Curricula.

The project aims to train adult educators on how to implement VR classrooms in the educational process, thus creating an innovative and inclusive educational system, which will not only be creative by its nature, but also tackle the weaknesses that emerged on the distant education procedures.

Project Results

Primary Target Groups

• Adult educators
• Associations for adult education
• Professionals/experts in adult education
• Mentors
• Lifelong learning teachers

Secondary Target Groups

• Adult learners
• Participants in lifelong learning activities
• Stakeholders (adult education organizations, representatives of social partners, representatives of professionals of the educational chain, cultural institutions, etc.)