On June 9th, we successfully concluded a highly productive online meeting, which can be deemed a remarkable accomplishment.

Throughout our deliberations, we extensively explored the advancement of virtual reality (VR) classrooms to foster educational innovation and the seamless integration of traditional and digital teaching methodologies. It is expected that this approach will ultimately yield enhanced educational outcomes.

The dedication and unwavering commitment of our remarkable team have propelled our project forward, resulting in its escalating momentum. Together, we are pushing the boundaries and spearheading a transformative revolution in human-technology interaction.

Up Your Adult Education Game with VR/AR! Our project is on EPALE – Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Traditional teaching getting a bit stale? Explore how virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) ...

Tools that educators can choose to bring VR/AR in the classroom

In the world of teaching and learning, new and exciting technologies are coming up-front: augmented ...

EPALE Spotlights Groundbreaking CT:VR Adult Education Initiative

A recent article on the EPALE platform spotlighted our innovative CT:VR (Creative Teaching through Virtual ...