Type of document: Good practice example

Country of origin: Slovenia

Issuing body/Authors: Šolski center Kranj, Erasmus + project-Augmented reality for vocational education (AR4VET)

CT: VR FOCUS: Formal education, Non-formal education

Short description

In the project they use this approach: “didactics first, technology second”. That open-up a lot of possibilities in the classroom and practical training to apply Augmented Reality to support the provision of learning content and the achievement of learning goals. The framework getting the use of AR right in VET was to set up a lesson or training program, in which they share findings and experiences with AR in the classroom. To share their´s findings and experiences they have created a website: On this website they have presented modules in learning modules, including short quizzes to test whether the content is understood. The AR4VET project has provided a great deal of insights into how AR can be implemented in vocational education and training in the various countries. It was a very educational experience for everyone, and they have been able to create an orientation for teachers and trainers, who want to work with Augmented Reality. With regard to the added value, they are proved that AR is an extension of the didactic arsenal available to teachers.  

At the start of the project, Augmented Reality was a new technology. The most famous was the Google Glass, which did not cause a breakthrough. With the introduction of the HoloLens from Microsoft, interest in this technology increased. The HoloLens is a, so called, Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) glass. Whereas AR supplements the environment in real-time with virtual objects, MR goes one step further and you can interact with the virtual object. Imagine you built a machine in 3D and you can place it virtually on a real table, work around and change it in real time. That’s Mixed Reality. They see that high expectations with regard to Augmented Reality have now been weakened, but they see that the wide use of AR will increase again within 2 to 5 years. For Mixed Reality, this will follow the path of Augmented Reality.

Elements of innovation:

The ability to allow students to experience a real (professional) situation in class appears to be an important argument for using AR during class. It now appears possible to perform various error simulations in a relatively cheap and safe situation in the classroom. It turned out that the learning effect, through the experience, leads to a better learning result and transfer of knowledge. The added value of deploying AR in vocational education is also the fact that AR is also gradually entering the professional field for which we are training. This includes remote instruction and the design of various products.


Target groups

  • Students